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Artistic Director Maggie Perrino

Maggie Perrino

Artistic Director, School for Creative and Performing Arts

Maggie Perrino

The School For Creative & Performing Arts is excited to welcome accomplished artist and educator Maggie Perino as Artistic Director beginning September 2022.  Maggie joins our leadership team from The Carnegie where she has been the Theatre Director since 2015.  With experience in community arts programs, dance, theatre, administration, and education, Maggie brings a perfect skill set to her new role.  A native Cincinnatian, Maggie obtained an undergraduate degree from Miami University in theatre, education, and community arts and a Master’s in Teaching from Thomas More University.  As part of the SCPA community, Maggie will oversee nationally top-rated artistic programming, dedicated to preparing students for lifelong involvement in artistic and scholastic pursuits.