Gifted and Talented Program
How do we assist our identified gifted students?
At SCPA, we provide enrichment and instruction to artistically and academically/cognitively gifted students in a variety of ways. Teachers at all grades differentiate instruction. In addition, acceleration in a grade level or a subject area is available for students who meet the criteria. Academically and cognitively gifted identified students in grades 3-6 are provided a pull-out enrichment bell one time a week. In 9th-12th grade identified gifted students are provided a variety of services such as AP, College Credit Plus, clustering, mentoring, guidance and counseling services
But how do I know if my child is identified as gifted?
To be identified as academically or cognitively gifted, students take one or more different tests. You may have seen results from test that have names such as the CogAT, InView or OLSAT. These are cognitive ability tests. They are similar to what we would call an IQ test. You may have also seen test results from i-Ready, ITBS/ITED (or Iowa) and MAP. These are achievement tests - tests that assess a subject area like math, reading, science or social studies. All 2nd and 6th grade students are administered an achievement test and a cognitive ability test. Most grade levels provide assessments in math and reading that can identify a student as gifted. The test scores for gifted identification vary per test because they assess different areas. The scores needed to identify a student for gifted is determined by the Ohio Department of Education.
Can a parent recommend a student be tested for gifted identification?
Yes, parents can recommend a student for testing during two testing periods yearly. These occur in October and January/February.
Can a child be identified as gifted artistically?
Yes, to be identified as artistically gifted, a student is assessed by an arts specialist and then provides a portfolio of work or performs in an audition for a group of art specialists. The student is then rated using a scale provided by the Ohio Department of Education. The artistically gifted areas are music, dance, drama and visual arts.
To find out more about gifted in CPS or gifted in general, contact Betsy Singh by email at