COVID-19 Testing

SCPA COVID-19 Testing

This is one test where the answer is easy! Sign up today for the improved free COVID-19 individualized screening for students and staff. 

Cincinnati Public Schools has again partnered with Thermo Fisher Scientific and Color Health to offer a new COVID-19 testing for asymptomatic students and MD AU and preschool staff with individual results instead of the pooled testing we have been using.

The Thermo Fisher Scientific ReadyCheckGo Testing Program is easy, reliable and free.

Why should I opt my child in?  

Routine/frequent testing helps identify coronavirus infections quickly and before symptoms arise, which can reduce in-school transmission and help keep your child healthier. 

Who is eligible? 

Testing is available to students, vaccinated MD AU and preschool teachers and staff who are not showing symptoms.

This is not for the mandatory staff test to be submitted weekly.

How to get started 

If your child is already registered for the existing surveillance program you are set, no need to re-register. 

If your child is not currently registered, you can sign up in minutes with our secure and user-friendly registration portal, giving one-time consent and HIPAA authorization. Staff can register the same way.

Learn more at Or call the Color Hotline at (844) 352-6567. 

Don't wait for an outbreak.

Weekly testing can reduce in-school infections by ~50 percent.*  

*"New Evidence for Safely Reopening K-12 Schools: Testing Can Reduce Infections and Increase Confidence," Mathematica, February 4, 2021.